FUR/HELP is a Furry LGBTQIA+ Refugee Initiative, that helps LGBTQIA+ furry lives in post-soviet region as well as American Trans lives in dangerous states flee persecution and seek safety.

We already help more than 10 LGBTQIA+ people to seek safety and counting. Mostly from post-soviet countries.

Our Values, Vision and Mission

We strive to make sure each and every LGBTQIA+ person on the planet gets equal rights. Our vision is to be earth's most human LGBTQIA+ Initiative, we fight for each of our refugees and make sure they get to a safe haven. Our values are : Rights for every human, Responsibility for each action, Amplifying Voices, Planning before Action, Building a Safe Community.

We differ from others in our approach. We are refugee-centric with every decision and step we take towards our goals. We take pride in that.

What do we offer?

Fiscal Hosting Information

Open Roles

Open Roles

Last updated: July 14, 2024

We made some adjustments to the overall website. Fixed some typos and adjusted some volunteer requirements to meet our current stack of technologies

Also, changed the icon to better reflect the idea of the board. And adjusted the Fiscal Hosting Information to fit our current jurisdiction.

We plan to later transfer this page from Notion to our website.

More information about the transfer would be available on our social media.